The Queerpreneur Podcast

27: We Must Do Better - LGBTQ+ Inclusion In Wellness & Coaching

Sarah Taylor

How inclusive is the wellness and coaching industry for LGBTQ+ people? How does being LGBTQ+ and working in wellness or coaching impact us?

Do we feel included and equal in our professional industries and in our wellness and coaching networks and communities?

Approximately 6% of the UK population is LGBTQ+*. There are circa 1 million people working in the wellness and coaching industries in the UK and yet when you look around there is very little visibility of LGBTQ+ wellness and coaching professionals.

With LGBTQ+ people suffering with higher levels of mental health struggles, suicidal distress and poor access to mainstream healthcare, wellness and coaching services are needed now more than ever.

And yet often LGBTQ+ people don’t feel safe to reach out for the support they so desperately need. They fear discrimination, prejudice and lack of understanding. 

And so my friends, I’ve decided to dig into this issue and find out more about if and how it's impacting both wellness and coaching professionals and those LGBTQ+ people who desperately need support with their wellbeing, happiness and fulfilment in their lives.

I want to hear from you, if you’re a lesbian, gay, bi or queer wellness or coaching professional. 

If you’re up for getting involved I've created a short survey. It should take you about 10 mins to complete and for everyone who submits a survey response I’m offering you a free laser coaching session with me or a discounted place on my Flagship online personal development programme, Living Her Truth starting again in Jan 2021. And of course the biggest prize of all, the opportunity to be part of a movement to create greater LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion in the wellness and coaching professions.

Here's the link to the survey:

*With many LGBTQ+ people feeling unsafe to be out these figures are likely to be higher than reported.

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