The Queerpreneur Podcast

24: On Coming Out At Work

Sarah Taylor

I'm sharing research highlights, insights and personal experiences of being LGBTQ+ in the workplace, plus first-hand experiences of some of my wonderful clients and business buddies and why being out at work is never an easy decision to make. 

Let me make it very clear, this episode is not a "why I think you should be out at work" message. Even though there are many benefits of feeling comfortable and safe to be out at work (which I talk about in other Queerpreneur podcast episodes and interviews) it's always a choice and very personal to each of us. 

If you're wondering whether to come out at work my hope is that listening to the experiences of myself and other LGBTQ+ people will help you explore this and get clear on the approach you want to take. 

I also give you a few ideas that will help you decide what's right for you when it comes to coming out at work.

Here's a little preview:

  • You get to choose, don't feel pressured by other people.
  • Keep working on your self-acceptance and self-love (if you've not listened to my previous podcast episode 20: Healing the Shame Of Being Gay you may want to give it a listen)
  • Reach out for support from someone who understands and who you feel safe with. This can be a member of your staff network group or an external LGBTQ+ organisation.
  • Remember and know that you are as natural and worthy and valid and equal as everyone else.

I’d love to hear about your coming out at work experiences or why you’ve decided not to be out at work – or if you want to chat your thoughts and feelings through with someone who gets it, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me @sarahtaylorcoaching on Instagram or facebook or email me at I'm here for you.

If you've enjoyed this episode, please make sure to give the podcast a review on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify). Thank you!

Links from the show:

My G-Work:

FREEBIE Embrace Your Sexuality & Empower Your Life:

Resource page on my website:

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