The Queerpreneur Podcast

21: HELP! I'm Questioning My Sexuality

Sarah Taylor

Something I speak to a lot of women about is questioning or exploring their sexuality. That time when you're working out whether you are are gay or bi or pan or something else that isn’t straight. In this podcast episode I talk about what it feels like to be questioning and how you can get comfortable and clear about where you're at with your sexuality at any given time. And this is so important because I talk to women who are stuck in this questioning phase and trying to work it out and feeling anxious and uncertain and it’s really holding them back and taking up a lot of their precious headspace and energy. I share my own experience of when I was questioning my sexuality and I give you 4 actions you can take to help you navigate these thoughts and feelings in a way that feels empowered instead of stress and anxiety provoking. 

What I don't do in this podcast episode is tell you what your sexuality is or tell you that you must come out, or tell someone, or experiment with your sexuality. These are all things you might decide for yourself but I’m not the one to tell you what you should do. What I will do is give you some powerful food for thought as to how you can support yourself to understand the truth about what your sexuality is and to feel good about who you are and who you love. And do let me know what you thought of this episode by messaging me over on instagram, facebook or linked in - or you can email me, I'd love to hear from you! If you enjoy the episode, please be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag me @sarahtaylorcoaching and I’ll be sure to share your comments and big takeaways on my Instagram Stories as well.

Also, please make sure to give the podcast a review on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).

Links from the show:
FREEBIE Embrace Your Sexuality & Empower Your Life:
Resource page on my website:

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