The Queerpreneur Podcast

20: Healing The Shame Of Being Gay (Internalised Homophobia)

Boy oh boy this is a big topic and one that has been a big part of my own personal development journey as well as the work I do with my clients. In this episode I highlight some of the main reasons LGBTQ+ people feel shame, discomfort or embarrassment about their sexual orientation. And especially if this is you, I'm sharing four practices, tools and techniques that will help you heal and recover from this shame you've probably been carrying around with you for a very long time! I dig into two of the key theories that are talked about and commonly cited by researchers, therapists and academics - compulsory heterosexuality and internalised homophobia and how these have shaped my life and influenced how I feel about being gay.

Here's a quick snap-shot of the four healing practices I share with you in this episode:

  • Acknowledge and accept that you feel shame, hurt or discomfort about being gay - we can't change what we cannot see.
  • Connect with other LGBTQ+ people - share stories, hear about others experiences and get support from each other.
  • Explore and enjoy LGBTQ+ arts and culture - you are part of this incredible creative and wonderful culture. 
  • Remember that gay, bi and queer love is as natural and worthy and valid and equal as all other love.

And do let me know what you thought of this episode by messaging me over on instagram, facebook or linked in - or you can email me, I'd love to hear from you! If you enjoy the episode, please be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag me @sarahtaylorcoaching and I’ll be sure to share your comments and big takeaways on my Instagram Stories as well.

Also, please make sure to give the podcast a review on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).

Links from the show:
FREEBIE Embrace Your Sexuality & Empower Your Life:
Resource page on my website:

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